The practice of standing on nails came to us from India, and was used by enlightened Sadhus to raise kundalini energy within themselves in order to know themselves, the world, God, and to break the connection with rebirth. The tool was named after them.
But this knowledge is also available to us!
What does the practice of standing on nails work with?
🩺Healing the physical body
Acupuncture has been used in folk medicine since ancient China, the local healers knew that the feet contain thousands of active points and they are a map of the entire body. Stimulation of each of these points helps fight many diseases and ailments.
🧘🏽Spiritual healing
Through pain there is a release of powerful and pure energy. If you approach this practice with conscious intention, you will be able to get answers to all the questions posed, discarding everything superfluous. The main thing is to form the right request.
And perhaps most valuable of all, we rubbed with reflexes, changing reactions and learning to relax when it hurts, and seeing how this makes the pain go away.
We learn to act out of relaxation.
Unique Sadhu Boards and other tools for spiritual practices you can find in the section "shamanic attributes" on our website Bali.ayaho.store in the profile header.
Be healthy in body and spirit🙏
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