We do not see him. But it is he who determines whether or not our relationship will be harmonious.
Energy Exchange:
✨It happens even during a short conversation with a neighbor. If he gets up on the wrong side of the bed in the morning, you will feel it too.
✨It happens even during spiritual practices, in temples and places of power.
✨It is blocked in relationships where someone owes someone. This is the reason why it is so important to pay any debts and not to take too much.
If something is given to us (benefits, attention, valuable information), according to the laws of nature we should thank it:
📍by financially, if the person is willing to take payment
📍by a sincere "thank you," an offer of reciprocal help, a donation
📍by acting with Caring🙌
⚡️ In SPIRITUAL PRACTICES there is an energy exchange of such power that its current "lights up lamps" 💡
You obviously felt it in retreats with masters or during shamanic ceremonies.
And as you know, the more you give, the more you get.
That's the way it is. If you really give sincerely and immediately forget about it.
Making Good Things Happen - Aho🙌
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